請瀏覽 Commemoration page 頁面以獲取詳細的事件資訊與教育資源。
Pico House
424 N Main St. | Los Angeles, CA 90012
有關活動對外開放,免費參加;請瀏覽: Eventbrite或電郵登記預留座位: rsvp@camla.org. 或臉書專頁 Facebook Page.
2019年10月25日星期五 | 下午3時30分至5時30分
Scripps College Boone Recital Hall
241 E 10th St. | Claremont, CA 91711
有關活動對外開放,免費參加;請登記預留座位,電郵:RSVP@camla.org;或瀏覽 Eventbrite 或電郵 rsvp@camla.org. 或臉書專頁 Facebook Page.
當天活動分為兩部份,分別由華美博物館與洛杉磯市立歷史中心紀念園區、以及美國斯克里普斯學院(Scripps College)合作而成。
2019年10月12日(星期六)| 上午9時至下午5時
南加州大學多希尼圖書館 USC Doheny Library
3550 Trousdale Pkwy | Los Angeles, CA 90089
南加州大學圖書館 USC Libraries 作為洛杉磯檔案展的主辦機構,它既是一所圖書館、博物館,並與其他檔案和文化組織結盟。南加州大學距洛杉磯市中心僅數分鐘路程,可通過主要高速公路和地鐵博覽會線 Metro Expo line 輕鬆到達。多希尼圖書館位於校園中心,毗鄰公園 Alumni Park,對面是Trousdale大道上的Bovard禮堂。有關在校園內停車的資訊,請瀏覽停車服務網站 Parking Services Website.
有關上述活動最新訊息,請瀏覽 laassubject.org/archives-
2019年10月3日( 星期四) | 下午3時45分至5時
8800 Valley Blvd | Rosemead, CA 91770
慶祝美國亞裔 LGBTQ + 體驗
2019年9月27日(星期五) | 晚上6時至9時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
慶祝亞洲美國LGBTQ + 體驗活動匯聚了美國亞裔藝術家、作家和創意產業專業人士,聯同洛杉磯市歷史悠外的華美博物館,為2019年Lambda Literary’s LitFest 舉辦社區之夜,慶祝藝術和創造力。華美博物館目前展覽當中的「光之景:山水畫的當代想像」藉著燈光和新媒體及科技裝置,探索傳統山水畫的哲學,重新想像古典水墨的當代面貌。中國山水藝術家通常會遠離塵囂去探索宇宙和諧與平衡,從大自然中找到心靈之居所。對於LGBTQ +社區而言,如何找到平衡和安全感來表達個人日常生活是屬於一種挑戰。作為一個社區,我們能退縮到哪裡?如何在生活中找到平衡?
Lambda Literary邀與華美博物館邀請大家參觀目前的展覽「光之景:山水畫的當代想像」,以及各項特別表演,詩歌朗誦等活動。隨後舉行小組討論和網絡分享,這項多媒體活動旨在慶祝美籍亞裔LGBTQ 與社區的藝術和創造力融合交匯。
活動對外開放,免費參加; 敬請預先留座。請瀏覽 Eventbrite 或電郵: rsvp@camla.org. 活動頁面 Event page. 臉書專頁 Facebook Page.
家庭電影 + 野餐
2019年8月2日(星期五) | 晚上7時至9時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
燈光、相機、行動!夏夜在華美博物館中庭享受電影和野餐。帶上個人的食物和一條小毯子或毛巾坐下來!我們將在戶外放映適合家庭觀看的電影,並有抽獎活動,設有攤位,為孩子們和年輕者提供心靈互動。免費參觀博物館,這是適合一家大小的活動。活動頁面. Event page.
講座 – 十九世紀聖塔芭芭拉中國鮑魚商人與漁民
2019年7月27日(星期六) | 下午1時至2時
Gateway to Nature 博物館
130 Paseo De La Plaza | Los Angeles, CA 90012
大家與考古學家琳達.本茨(Linda Bentz)共同探討,當年海峽群島上的中國鮑魚捕撈活動,這是加利福尼亞鮮為人知的飲食歷史。本茨將討論由中國移民建立的漁業和貿易網絡,該網絡在十九世紀將加利福尼亞海岸與中國連接起來。講座中將介紹與Todd J. Braje合著的《 19世紀加州聖塔芭芭拉的中國鮑魚商人與漁民:出口網絡研究》一文中的檔案記錄和考古數據。博物館免費入場。活動頁面 Event page.
2019年7月18日(星期四) | 晚上7時至10時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
下班後與大家歡度過一個夏夜交誼活動,在博物館中庭欣賞藝術創作、音樂和美食。免費參觀博物館及各項節目。活動頁面 Event page.
家庭日 – 藍圖版畫
2019年6月16日(星期日)| 中午12時至下午3時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
響應藝術家吳季璁(Uu Chi-Tsung)「光之景:山水畫的當代想像」主題,在活動中製作充滿陽光活力的版畫。大家可根據個人的藍圖製作版畫,同時參觀現場展覽。博物館免費參觀。會場提供所有材料。活動頁面 Event page.
2019年6月8日星期六 | 下午2時30分至3時30分
417 Irving Dr | Burbank, CA 91504
華美博物館將在南加州家譜學會舉辦家庭史研討會。該研討會將探討家庭活動,藉著家庭活動促進兩代之間交流來記錄和詮釋家庭歷史。現場將簡單介紹華美博物館的歷史,以及關於如何促進四年級及以上兒童如何探討個人的家族史。提供所需材料,參加者將獲得博物館出版的「家族史剪貼簿」副本,該刊物以移民、食譜、食物、慶祝活動、傳家寶、工作和音樂等作主題,開展十二項引人入勝的活動。活動頁面 Event page.
預約留座,請發電子郵件至 rsvp@camla.org 主題:「家庭史研討會」
家庭日 – 故事時間
2019年4月27日星期六 | 上午11時至下午3時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
聆聽和分享我們的故事是相互學習的最佳方法。和我們一起在博物館閱讀圖書。全天故事時間同時提供其他活動,包括品茗春季、冥想與手工藝術創作。免費參觀博物館及這個親子活動。會場提供所有材料。活動頁面 Event page.
2019年5月7日(星期二) | 晚上6時至9時
425 N. Los Angeles Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
與我們一起參加紀念美國東西岸橫貫鐵路開通150週年紀念,由加州大學爾灣分校亞裔美國人研究系副教授Julia H. Lee主講。
1869年5月10日,美國東西岸橫貫鐵路在猶他州的海角連接起來。面對國內的貧困和內戰,來自中國廣東省的工人為了謀生養家而離鄉別井。中國的鐵路工人是美國的史上第一批華人移民,他們是由鐵路工人承包商招募到美國從事危險和困難的工作。本講座將探討如何從歷史記錄中被忽略及抹掉這些工人對跨州鐵路建設的貢獻,以及美國華裔作家、藝術家和鐵路工人的後代如何應對將亞裔排除在美國之外,這種不公平現像,以及對更廣泛的不公平現象作出回應。活動頁面 Event page.
2019年3月7日星期四 | 晚上6時30分至9時
LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes, Room #405 (4th Floor)
501 North Main Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012
歡迎參加由加州歷史學會 California Historical Society 和華美博物館主辦,在 LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes 舉行的座談會,探討洛杉磯和舊金山華埠兩地的創造、維護、保存和未來發展。由加州大學河濱分校歷史學副教授兼公共歷史項目主任凱瑟琳·古迪斯(Catherine Gudis)主持,我們將與歷史學家、維護者、藝術家和媒體專家一起探討這兩個華埠如何出現、受到威脅、倖存和繁榮。我們還將考慮在未來日子如何慶祝這兩個歷史時空。
主持人:Cathy Gudis |加州大學河濱分校公共歷史課程主任兼歷史學副教授
Nayan Shah | 南加州大學美國研究與種族和歷史教授
Eddie Wong | Visual Communications 的聯合創始人
黃遙祺 | 洛杉磯市立美術館館長,前華美博物館代理館長
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu | 加州大學爾灣分校美籍亞裔研究系教授兼主席
Meet our Moderator:
Cathy Gudis is Associate Professor of History and Director of UC Riverside’s Public History Program. She has worked for over twenty years with art and history museums, in historic preservation, and on multi-platform, place-based projects that focus on Southern California and explore how public space is privatized, landscapes racialized, and inequalities of access sustained. She co-founded two collectives: Project 51, whose Play the LA River urges Angelinos to reclaim the L.A. River as public space, and the Bureau of Goods Transport, a clearinghouse to explore the history and import of logistics from the LA Ports to the Inland Empire. Currently, Cathy is piloting the Relevancy & History Project partnership between UCR and California State Parks, aimed to foster community engagement and co-produce more inclusive historical interpretation. The author of Buyways: Billboards, Automobiles, and the American Landscape (Routledge, 2004) and coedited anthologies and articles on visual culture, Cathy is working on a book entitled Skid Row, By Design: History, Community, and Activism in Downtown L.A.
About our Panelists:
Nayan Shah is Professor of American Studies & Ethnicity and History at the University of Southern California. He is a historian with expertise U.S. and Canadian immigration, public health, law and Asian American political, social and cultural movements. Professor Shah wrote two award-winning books, Stranger Intimacy: Contesting Race, Sexuality and the Law in the North American West (University of California Press, 2011) and Contagious Divides: Epidemics and Race in San Francisco’s Chinatown (University of California Press, 2001). He has worked with the National Park Service, Angel Island Foundation and the New York Historical Society to preserve, interpret and convey the history of Asian Americans. To learn more about his research projects and publications visit https://dornsife.usc.edu/cf/faculty-and-staff/faculty.cfm?pid=1043400.
Eddie Wong was one of the founders of Visual Communications where he directed the documentary films Wong Sinsaang, Pieces of a Dream, and Chinatown Two-Step. He served as Executive Director of NAATA/Center for Asian American Media from 1996 to 2006 and was the Executive Producer of Kelly Loves Tony and the series Searching for Asian America for PBS.
He later became the Executive Director of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF) and produced several short video profiles of immigrants who were detained at Angel Island. In 2014, he served as Guest Curator for the Smithsonian Institution’s Asian Pacific American Center’s “A Day in the Life of Asian Pacific America,” an online photo and video exhibition. His article “Broken Blossoms – Four Chinese Women and Their Journey from Slavery to Freedom” was published as the cover story in Prologue, the magazine of the National Archives, in Spring 2016.
He is currently co-curating “At First Light: The Dawn of Asian Pacific America,” a retrospective of Visual Communications first 20 years of documentary work in still photography, film, and video. The exhibit will be on display at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles from May 25, 2019 to October 20, 2019.
Steven Wong was born in the City of Angeles at Queen of Angels Hospital, a place that no longer exists. He is currently a curator at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Art Park. Previously he was the Interim Executive Director and the senior staff curator at the Chinese American Museum where he developed and implemented both contemporary art and history exhibitions. Steven has lectured at UC Santa Barbara and was an adjunct professor at Ventura College and Pasadena City College in Asian American Studies, History and Art Studio Departments. Since 2001 Steven has been collecting vintage postcards primarily depicting Los Angeles’ Chinatown and has amassed over 300 postcards; some of which he has transformed into art and public engagement projects over the years. Steven holds a Masters in Asian American Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (1998) and a Master in Fine Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara (2000).
Judy Tzu-Chun Wu is a professor and chair of the Department of Asian American Studies at the University of California, Irvine. She received her Ph.D. in U.S. History from Stanford University and previously taught for seventeen years at Ohio State University. She authored Dr. Mom Chung of the Fair-Haired Bastards: the Life of a Wartime Celebrity (University of California Press, 2005) and Radicals on the Road: Internationalism, Orientalism, and Feminism during the Vietnam Era (Cornell University Press, 2013). Her current book project, a collaboration with political scientist Gwendolyn Mink, explores the political career of Patsy Takemoto Mink, the first woman of color U.S. congressional representative and the co-sponsor of Title IX. Wu also co-edited Women’s America: Refocusing the Past, 8th Edition (Oxford 2015), Gendering the Trans-Pacific World (Brill 2017), and Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies (2012-2017). She also co-edits Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 (Alexander Street Press).
In partnership with the Chinese American Museum, the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument, and LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes