Racial Justice for all Americans
The Friends of the Chinese American Museum stand in solidarity with the African American community in the fight for justice and liberation. We must combat the anti-Blackness that exists in our communities and work as partners toward dismantling white supremacy. We mourn the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and the countless other Black lives that have been lost to racism and police brutality.
As Chinese Americans, we know well the pain that comes from being targeted because of the color of our skin or how we speak or how we look. Our history is littered with examples of such incidents such as the Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871, the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the murder of Vincent Chin on June 28, 1982 and the continuous targeting of foreign born Chinese Americans as spies and criminals. We share with African Americans a common history of being targeted by racist acts.
We stand in support with African Americans, People of Color, and other allies to call for the conviction of the former Minneapolis police officers who killed Mr. George Floyd. For too long, we of the Asian American community have stayed on the sidelines when racism was not specifically targeted at us. We, the Friends of the Chinese American Museum, join together with all who oppose racial injustice and call on all of our fellow Americans to join us. We must not continue to be silent. Let us use our voices and our votes to make America truly our home where there is “liberty and justice for all.” We add our voices to the call for all communities to speak up and move forward with real actions in order to make real changes in our society.
美國華美博物館之友與美國非裔社區團結一致,爭取正義與解放。我們務必與社區中存在的反黑人勢力抗爭,並團結一致消除白人至上的勢力。我們哀悼喬治.弗洛伊德(George Floyd),艾哈邁德.阿爾伯里(Ahmaud Arbery),布雷娜.泰勒(Breonna Taylor),托尼.麥克達德(Tony McDade)以及無數因種族主義被警察殘暴對待而喪命的黑人。
作為美籍華人,我們深切明瞭基於膚色、語言或外觀而成為被攻擊對象的痛苦。諸如此類的事件充斥在我們的歷史當中,例如1871年的洛杉磯華埠大屠殺,1882年的《排華法案》,1982年6月28日對陳果仁(Vincent Chin)謀殺案的判決,以及不斷將外國出生的美籍華人當作是間諜和罪犯。我們與美國非裔同受因種族主義而成為攻擊目標的歷史。