
Zines are self-published literature containing original and appropriated content that are reproduced by conventional printing such as Xeroxing or Risograph duplication or by artful methods such as letterpress or silk-screening. Available for download are electronic versions of the zines published by the Chinese American Museum.

Physical copies of these zines can be printed and shipped to you at no cost. For more information, contact info@camla.org.

Collective Resilience: Asian American Artists Honoring Our Community’s Strength and Unity

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Collective Resilience: Asian American Artists Honoring Our Community’s Strength and Unity, the zine highlights seven artists whose murals were featured in the exhibit alongside letters from the community. Download and view the zine here.

The zine debuted at our Collective Resilience Zine Fest 2022 where we brought artists together to share their work centered around AAPI culture, history, and identity. The festival featured interactive workshops for all ages and gave guests the opportunity to purchase zines and art directly from these local artists. Click here to learn more about the festival and the participating artists.

Published  June 4, 2022.

Don’t Believe the Hype: Asian Americans in Hip Hop

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Don’t Believe the Hype: LA Asian Americans in Hip Hop, the zine includes essays, interviews with artist SWANK and Daryl Chou (Firecracker co-founder / producer), a timeline of Asian American MCs and DJs, educational activities, and commissioned illustrations by Brenda Chi, Kenny Kong, Lorna Xu, and Andy Yoon. Zine team includes Ninochka McTaggart (co-curator), CAM staff: Kenneth Chan, Janelle Sanglang, and Hannah Yang (zine coordinator & design), and Getty MUI intern Emily Gao. Download the zine here.

Published August 23, 2018.

Roots: Asian American Movements in Los Angeles

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Roots: Asian American Movements 1968-80s. Compiled by Getty MUI intern Pamela Ng. Download the zine here.

Published January 19, 2017.