見證歷史,共創未來 (Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future)

  • 非常感謝大家參加「見證歷史,共創未來」系列講座。你們的意見很重要。誠邀大家參加簡短的問卷調查。 (Thank you very much for participating in this Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future series. Your opinion matters. We invite you to take part in a brief survey.)
  • 你參加了下列哪些講座? (Which presentations have you attended?)
  • 在參加「見證歷史,共創未來」系列講座前,你是否參觀或聽說過洛杉磯華美博物館? (Have you visited or heard about the Chinese American Museum (CAM) in Los Angeles before attending the Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future series?)
  • 如果答案「是」,你是如何認識華美博物館?(If yes, how did you hear about CAM?)
  • 總體而言,你對「見證歷史,共創未來」系列講座之評價如何?(Overall, how would you rate the quality of Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future lecture series?)
  • 我們的講座提高了你對美籍華人歷史的瞭解? (How well did our presentations enhance your understanding of the Chinese American experience?)
  • 你對「見證歷史,共創未來」系列講座的喜歡程度如何? (How likely will you attend our future programming in the Studying Our Past, Shaping Our Future series?)
  • 在未來的系列講座中,你願意推薦那些探討美籍華人經歷的題目嗎? (What other topic areas relating to the Chinese American experience would recommend the series to explore in the future?)
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